Garden ideas from the best landscape designers on our Directory
Designing a garden: Find Your ‘Vantage Points’Designing (or refining) a garden doesn’t begin by just walking around outdoors, but by going inside and looking out from various places in your home, registering potential views from key spots.
“Determine where the best views are and where you want the garden or the scene to present best from,” Mr. Noble said. “Is it a window? The deck? A porch? First, find your vantage points.” |
The gardener at La Malbaie, CharlevoixNestled in the Charlevoix region of Quebec is gardener Frank Cabot's fabled Les Quatre Vents (The Four Winds), one of the world's most beautiful private gardens. Filmed by Sébastien Chabot’s first reaction upon visiting Les quatre vents, before Cabot's death at the age of 86, Cabot reflects on the meaning of gardening and its impact on our lives.
View The gardener on TVO Les Quatre Vents - 135 Boulevard Malcolm-Fraser, La Malbaie, QC G5A 2J5
And all gardens, however large or small, need one private place.Viewing houses for sale in Montreal suburbs, buyers often found backyards nothing more than a grass lawn. Often it takes a plan, whether to frame a view or block one, sometimes all it takes is a few well-placed plants — and some guiding principles. In Bill Noble's book “Spirit of Place: The Making of a New England Garden”: “Much of what gardening is about is the feeling of being connected to a place, fostering a sense of belonging, and becoming familiar with the natural rhythms and cycles of a particular piece of the earth.”
Le jardin plume
jardin d’été - summer garden
... le choix des couleurs aux rouges, ors, orangés, jaunes : crocosmias, dahlias rouge écarlate, héléniums, hémerocalles, rudbeckias, kniphofias , grand soleils annuels, capucines, pavots rouges échelonnent leurs floraisons de juin à octobre. Quelques graminées sélectionnées pour la couleur de leurs feuillages rythment l’ensemble : miscanthus ‘Ghana’ une sélection au feuillage cramoisi dès le milieu de l’été, altières stipas giganteas en fleurs dès juin et panicum ‘Squaw’ au feuillage rouge sombre en automne.
... the choice of colors to red, gold, orange, yellow: crocosmias, scarlet red dalhias, heleniums, hemerocalis, rudbeckias, kniphofias, tall annual sunflowers, nasturtiums, poppies spread their flowering from June to October. A few grasses selected for their colour give rythm to create an ensemble: miscanthus ‘Ghana’, a mid-summer crimson foliage selection, june flowering haughty stipa gigantea and autumn dark red-foliage panicum ‘Squaw’.
... the choice of colors to red, gold, orange, yellow: crocosmias, scarlet red dalhias, heleniums, hemerocalis, rudbeckias, kniphofias, tall annual sunflowers, nasturtiums, poppies spread their flowering from June to October. A few grasses selected for their colour give rythm to create an ensemble: miscanthus ‘Ghana’, a mid-summer crimson foliage selection, june flowering haughty stipa gigantea and autumn dark red-foliage panicum ‘Squaw’.